Thursday, November 5, 2009

Campus Life Good Boy Gone Bad #14: The Real Hustler!

Uncle Sam failed me on two fronts, first he failed to secure an attachment in a real engineering firm and second, when he talked of Next Generation International College, I knew that I was heading to a prestigious institution. However locating it in Town became a problem as no one knew about it. Eventually when I did find it, I was shocked.

It was a small office subdivided into three. There was a tiny front office, with a receptionist and two classes. One had three pretty old computers and another, a blackboard and a few chairs.

“Hi, I am Rain, I am looking for Mr Maina” I said to the unsmiling receptionist.

“Just wait for him, over there,” she said pointing to a metal chair then continued with her typing.

A few minutes later, Maina appeared accompanied by five students. He immediately directed the students to the classroom, and then beckoned me to the other “office”.

“How are you sir?”

“I am good, I am Maina the CEO of this college how can I help you?”

“Well I am Rain, I was sent by my Uncle Sam, he said…”

“Uh Lain, yes your uncle told me…”

“It is Rain sir,” I interrupted him.

“I just said that, well I was saying your uncle tells me that you are good with computers and you could be of use to this International College.”

When he mentioned International, I realized the irony of the statement; the college could barely sustain 3 computer students at a time and I had only come into contact with one employee, the receptionist.

Lain so how much are you expecting at the end of the month?” he moved closer and patted my back. His breath reeked of cigarettes.

“Twenty thousand per month,” I said, not sure how he would react.

“That is quite high, you are on attachment; which basically means you will be learning while working. You see, we are not yet fully operational so let me start you at six thousand then I can monitor your progress.”

“Okay,” I knew I was not going to last there for long.

Lain this is The Company Secletary, Jane, who is also my wife.”

“Pleasure to meet you Jane,” I said to the receptionist who grinned briefly exposing her pearl white teeth. Maina signaled me aside.

Lain, you see light now we don’t have computer students yet and since it is the August holidays we are offering tuitions to secondary and primary students.”

“You mean those students there are secondary school students!” I could not hide my shock. “Actually one is in class eight, two in form three and two in form four. Don’t worry just give them basic stuff; Maths, English, Kiswahili, you know!”

“Where are the books? The resource materials?”

“Well as I said just give them basic stuff, I have to go Downtown to do some marketing.”

By marketing I knew he was going to place his posters on those NO POSTERS signs alongside those of strip clubs, Jam sessions reggae and the Dr. Abdallas who cure everything including runaway wives, jealousy “men problems” promotions at the workplace, ad infinitum ad nauseam. In process he risked being caught by the overzealous council askaris.

As I walked to the classroom with nothing in my hand except a piece of chalk, I did what an unprepared teacher would do. After the introductions I combined the secondary school students asked for an English textbook then flipped to questions that I knew had answers at the end. I wrote them on the blackboard and gave them an entire two hours to work on them. As for the standard eight pupil, I went and sat next to her knowing very well that writing 975653427 in words would not be a problem at all.

When later on I called Stella to explain to her my new “attachment” she was in uncontrollable laughter. But my pal Chris was not amused, he actually asked if there was need for another employee!

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