Thursday, November 5, 2009

Campus Life Good Boy Gone Bad #4: The ominous CAT!

In a healthy relationship there are ups on down. When I flirted with Stella’s sister, she got angry and dumped me for a week. After a few I am sorry, I did not mean any harm kind of talk, she took me back.

Whenever we were in high spirits it was total bliss. We were head over heels and it was like “mention the crime and I would be your accomplice!” So what would have been a nappy afternoon turned out to be my biggest daymare.

“Hi hon… are you free tomorrow afternoon?” Stella’s voice came through from the earpiece.

“I am always free for my number one girl…”

“Well, Rain I need a favour, you see we have this calculus CAT tomorrow and I am not prepared at all…can you..”

“You want me to do it for you?”

“Thanks babe…I knew I could always count on you….”

Just because I was an engineering student, Stella thought anything mathematical would be child’s play to me. When I asked Chris my pal about such an adventure, he thought for a while then uttered a single statement, “I wish you were doing it for money, love is so unquantifiable, one moment you will be so happy to have done it but the next time you will you will feel like the idiot of the century!” Of course I dismissed Chris’ thoughts; he had never fallen in love and was not qualified to talk about it.

Sila my roommate was apprehensive, “Did you read the Rules and Regulations? That will automatically lead to your expulsion!” Sila was one person who squeezed himself in between the rules, regulations, the law and whatever synonym you could think of.

When I entered the exam room, there were more than two hundred students and I knew that the lecturer could not obviously distinguish me from the rest. As I took the paper, there were three questions. I read through the first one, frowned, and then sought solace from the second question. It was just a wish as it was equally undoable so I sought comfort from the last question. Nothing ticked in my head. I flipped the paper to read the instructions again which still stood as: “ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS!”

If you want to dub effectively then: look right, left and then right again. Under extreme circumstances you might be forced to leap forward or slouch backwards. A bespectacled lady on my right was busy scribbling on the answer sheet while the dude to my right hesitantly penned down the differential equations.

“Hey, you sure of what you’re writing?” I whispered to the bespectacled lady to my right. She frowned at me, and then continued with her work. I took it as a yes so I edged closer to her, then right below her registration number and name, I scribbled everything that I could see. It was only the last question that I copied halfway as she hurriedly handed over her script.

“How did it go?” Stella called in later that day.

“It all went down well, you should expect a moderate pass.” What you don’t know won’t hurt you but it definitely would hurt someone else. My love did not need to know the devil in the details.

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